Story Marrko Core

My name is Martin Kofroň and I invented a rehabilitation and fitness system Marrko core. It all started with the events of 2012, when I served, as a member of the 43rd airborne battalion in Afghanistan. While on a mission, my spine was injured in the field. After I came home, the pain was close to unbearable and my spine had a constricted range of movement. Eventually a tingling sensation in my toes appeared. 

The first relief I felt after two weeks of daily rehabilitation in a specialised health facility, but the pain still wouldn´t go. I turned one room in my house into a fitness lab, where I used ropes to achieve positions that would relieve the strain that my spine was under. One day I needed to take down a climbing rope I regularly used. It had knots that helped me stay in the desired positions. The knots on the rope were so tight that I had to cut the rope off. I threw it in the corner of my gym.

“Such a simple thing can´t
be so effective.“

As it was lying there, I figured I could use it, and I started improvising. I couldn´t believe how much the workout relieved me of my pain. At the same time, moving the rope around seemed like a rather intensive workout. “Such a simple thing can´t be so effective,” I kept telling myself. But the opposite was true. MARRKO CORE proves that simple ideas tend to be genial.

A visible reshapping of your body comes as bonus to everyday workout. The whole CORE is working out!

Soon I made my first prototype. My muscle corset felt stronger and stronger every day.
I could sleep. I could – after a looooong time – touch my toes again.

I was determined to help others and so I launched the Marrko core project.

First I got in touch with the Art and Industry University in Prague. The director liked the idea and eventually 11 students of the Atelier of industrial design started working on their sketches of the design of MARRKO.

Contour by contour, more here, less there… from sketches over the philosophy all the way to the functinal model. It is amazing to witness the birth of a tool that you hope will help people everywhere. And when you are finally holding the product in your hands, you feel like the world is yours.

The Art and Industry University is a successful and quality school and the students I met are about to make it in the world of design. It is to them that I owe thanks for Marrco being not only a top fitness and rehabilitation tool but also a top design piece.


Soon I was about to get more good news. This time from the Charles University in Prague. The Faculty of Sports and Physical Education. had been testing Marrko core for a while and now they were reporting what I intuitively knew from the beginning. My product is comparable to all tools for deep core muscles workouts used by professional athletes.

In certain parameters, Marrko core tests reveal even better results.

„My goal is to spread the use of Marrko on the field of prevention from back pain.“

Be a part of the Marrko core story. Help me help others, be it by deed or a good word to your friends. Whether it is a chronic back pain, or sports ambitions, whether people need to loose weight in a healthy way or sport is simply their lifestyle, Marrko cen help a lot of people.

Thank you, Martin Kofroň,

Marrko core.

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